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Join date: January 2014
on May 22, 2014 18:23:09 GMT
Posted: May 22, 2014 18:23:09 GMT
If I adopt May for my Commie cameras (FED-2, Moskva 5 and Lubitel 166b) - as has been announced elsewhere, then June is surely for putting an extra roll of film in my Yashica Electro 35 GSN. After all, Yashica is named after the islands of the rising sun.
Since Canon and EOS signify a goddess of dawn, July will see me with film in my FT, EOS 650, EOS Elan 2 and Sureshot Tele 80.
August is the anniversary for my favorite camera - the Franka folder, while November and December will bring out my neglected Mamiya C3 and Daiichi Zenobia.
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on May 31, 2014 3:52:15 GMT
Posted: May 31, 2014 3:52:15 GMT
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Join date: July 2016
on Jul 22, 2016 12:42:15 GMT
Posted: Jul 22, 2016 12:42:15 GMT
Ah, the oldie Canon EOS 650 - back into 1987 which started it all...the EF Mount...i do have my 650 in excellent condition.